lesbian gay couple in nyc getting couples counseling

NYC Couples Counseling

In the city that never sleeps, maintaining a relationship that is both healthy and fulfilling can be hard. From navigating life transitions to looking for ways to deepen your emotional connection with your partner, our couples counselors at Anchor Therapy are here to help. Our experienced couples therapists craft a safe and supportive therapeutic setting where you and your significant other, fiance, or spouse can explore and resolve your relationship troubles.

The fast-paced lifestyle of New York City can sometimes make being in a relationship difficult. Demanding careers and the constant need to be on the go can leave little time for you to connect with your partner in meaningful ways. Financial burdens, close living quarters, and many social and cultural activities practically knocking on your door can add to this pressure. In this type of environment that is often stressful, it can be easy for misunderstandings and common relationship problems to come to the surface. Our couples therapists understand these challenges and are ready to help you and your partner tackle them while successfully navigating city life.

premarital couple in nyc getting couples therapy

Here are some common reasons why people attend nyc couples therapy:

  • Hard time expressing thoughts and feelings

  • Inability to listen actively and empathetically

  • Frequent arguments that are unable to be solved peacefully

  • Arguments over the same issues

  • Struggles with emotional management 

  • Recovering from an affair or another form of betrayal

  • Rebuilding intimacy after trust has been broken

  • Decline in sexual satisfaction and physical intimacy 

  • Mismatched sexual needs or desires

  • Adjusting to major life transitions (e.g., career changes, moving to a new city, adjusting to parenthood, etc.)

  • Disagreements over money management and financial priorities

  • Struggling to balance a demanding career with relationship needs

  • Feeling emotionally disconnected or detached from your partner

  • Disagreements on parenting styles and decisions 

  • And much more!


Is couples therapy good for a new york relationship?

For nearly every couple who has undergone couples counseling, they believe it was a process worth the effort. 

With individual adult counseling, many people decide it is time to attend therapy when they face a mental health challenge. Perhaps some people need to learn work-life balance. Other people may need to learn how to control intrusive thoughts. And some people struggle with mental health disorders, such as anxiety, depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and so on.

But, when it comes to couples therapy, it is not always clear when a couple should make the decision to seek professional support. Not everyone is dealing with something like infidelity, abuse, or similar toxic behaviors. Couples therapy is for everyone, no matter the issues you and your partner are facing.

Just like seeking individual counseling does not have to be tied to having a mental disorder, you can seek the help of a couples counselor even if your relationship is not in trouble. Empirically-based couples therapy has created positive change for roughly 70% of the couples who attend it according to the Gottman Institute.

One thing to keep in mind with couples therapy is that both people must be willing to participate in sessions. Therapy requires active participation from all parties involved. If one or more partners are unwilling, it can make it hard to fully engage in conversations and exercises in counseling sessions.

Having both partners share their perspective and experiences is important for your couples counselor to understand the full scope of your situation. Both or all partners play a role in your relationship dynamics. If only one person is willing to work on the relationship, it can create an imbalance.

Attending therapy and making shifts in your behavior, communication, and outlooks shows your commitment to change. To achieve long-lasting improvements, it is ideal for both or all partners to put in the time, energy, and investment that is needed for couples counseling to be effective.

If your partner is reluctant to attend couples counseling, you can still reap the benefits of individual relationship therapy. In this environment, you are given an opportunity to learn about your own behaviors, emotions, and patterns that contribute to your partnership with your significant other. This self-awareness can allow you to grow more which will improve the interactions you have with your partner.

Individual therapy for relationship issues can  help you get clear on what your values, goals, and boundaries are. You will also learn how to communicate and enforce your boundaries successfully. This can be important for navigating relationship dynamics. 

Sometimes, you can be the influence for positive change. A change in your behavior may lead to alterations in your overall relationship dynamic. Working on yourself may indirectly encourage your partner to do the same thing.


What does nyc couples counseling involve?

Couples therapy is a form of talk therapy. The main point of couples counseling is to help you relieve the stress you are experiencing due to your romantic relationship. Romance is an integral part of many people’s lives and therapy will help you improve functioning in that domain of your life.

In couples counseling for New Yorkers, there are many factors at play. We have your couples psychotherapist, you, your partner(s), and the relationship itself. There are all of the co-occurring dynamics, and our highly-trained couples counselors here at Anchor Therapy know how to balance the needs and interests of all parties.

It is typical for many couples to seek professional support when they have conflicting points of view and cannot seem to come to terms of agreement on their own. This can leave one or more partners feeling very distressed. If you want couples counseling more than your partner or are more optimistic about the process, do not feel alone. It is very common for one partner to be the person who ‘pushes’ for counseling or sees it as a positive thing, especially in the beginning of the therapeutic process.

At Anchor Therapy, we conduct our couples sessions conjointly which means that all partners are present at the time of session. If needed, your couples therapist may do solo sessions with you and your significant other, but this is not extremely common. 

Your couples counselor will want to learn more about you and your partner during your time together. During your first session, also referred to as the intake session, you will discuss your childhood, family life, individual beliefs, perspectives on key issues, and so on. Remember, your couples counselor is not there to take anyone’s side- they are an unbiased player to call out individual behaviors that are contributing to problems in your relationship.

Couples therapy is a joint effort to get closer to your partner or end a relationship amicably. You will learn to have compassion for your partner as you both learn how to navigate uncomfortable emotions, have compassion for yourself and your partner, and rekindle the emotions you first felt for your significant other.

couples counseling by central park nyc

Is couples counseling in nyc normal?

Couples therapy is quite normal. Whether you want to simply strengthen the relationship you have with your partner or you are looking to resolve specific conflicts, there is a space for everyone in couples counseling.

Couples therapy can be beneficial at any point in your relationship, whether you are just dating, engaged, or have been married for decades! Counseling is always a proactive and healthy step to take in a partnership so you can improve the quality of your connection.

Couples counseling is so effective that the reason most people stop attending is because the treatment was effective!

According to research, roughly 18% of couples sought the help of a couples counselor before relationship problems occurred. Roughly 75% of couples reported that both partners were open to doing couples counseling, agreeing to take the next step and do it together.

The average couple starts counseling four years into their relationship. 88% of clients in couples therapy think that it is best to start counseling before serious problems occur. 91% of couples in counseling agree that couples would have better relationships if they were open to seeking the help of a relationship therapist.

A majority of couples are doing hybrid counseling. 56% of couples attended both in-person and virtual therapy sessions.


Is virtual couples therapy effective in new york?

Online couples therapy can be very effective. At Anchor Therapy, we offer both in-person therapy sessions at our downtown Hoboken, New Jersey office. We also conveniently offer virtual therapy sessions to all residents of New Jersey, New York, and Florida.

One of the best parts about nyc couples therapy is being able to attend counseling sessions from the comfort of your own home. Living in New York City means busy schedules and transportation issues. With online therapy, those problems are erased. No matter where you are, you can still attend couples therapy.

For many people, they feel more comfortable opening up about romantic and/or intimacy issues in their own environment versus a therapist’s office.

Scheduling with an online couples therapist can be more flexible, allowing you to fit therapy into your busy schedule and not the other way around.


The following are advantages of online couples therapy in new york:

  • Comfort and privacy

  • Variety of psychotherapists

  • Continuity of care

  • Flexibility

  • Convenience

  • Accessibility 


What type of counselor is best for couples in nyc?

There are many therapeutic approaches used for couples so you can navigate life challenges, enhance your communication skills, and create deep, long-lasting intimacy. Each form of therapy comes with its own framework and techniques to address your unique relationship concerns. 

At Anchor Therapy, our couples therapists know what approach to use to fit your specific needs and dynamics. 

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT for couples, plays off of the idea that thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are all connected. In couples therapy CBT, you can pinpoint and change your negative thought patterns so you no longer associate your relationship with distress. In CBT for relationships, you will enhance your communication skills, improve your problem-solving abilities, and work on conflict resolution strategies.

  • The Gottman Method for couples therapy is an evidence-based treatment modality. Some main components of Gottman couples therapy include conflict management, shared meaning, and a foundation of friendship. Through assessments and structured interventions, you can learn to strengthen your relationship.

  • Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) highlights identifying and growing strengths and resources in your partnership. In SFBT for couples, you will set specific goals while crafting practical solutions and encouraging positive change in both communication and behavior. This form of couples therapy includes imagining your future and actively working with your partner to achieve it. 

couple in a relationship in nyc rowing a boat and discussing relationship counseling

You may experience the following benefits from nyc couples therapy:

  • Better communication skills

  • Addressing unresolved issues

  • Conflict resolution techniques

  • Increased emotional connection

  • Higher relationship satisfaction

  • Developing and enforcing healthy boundaries

  • Navigating life transitions effectively

  • Personal growth

  • Preventive maintenance

  • Long-term benefits (e.g., improvements in intimacy, communication, relationship satisfaction, and so on)

The effectiveness of couples therapy depends on the work that you and your partner are willing to put into the therapeutic process and the issues you and your significant other are facing. Our skilled couples therapists can tailor their approach to fit your needs. By being open to exploring different types of therapy, you and your partner will deepen your connection and find solutions to your problems more effectively. 

There is power in couples counseling to transform your relationship with your significant other. At Anchor Therapy, we are dedicated to helping New York City couples get clear on defining and executing their romantic goals whether that is through in-person sessions or virtual couples therapy.

You can work together to achieve a deeper understanding of your partner, better communication skills, and an enduring romantic connection. Whether you are looking to overcome infidelity or work on emotional intimacy, our couples counselors are here to help you.

Your relationship with your significant other deserves the care and time needed that it takes for it to prosper!

How Can I Start NYC Couples counseling at Anchor Therapy?

WORKING WITH anchor therapy IS EASY

  1. Fill out the contact form below.

  2. You can expect a response from our intake coordinator, matching you with a couples counselor on our team who understands the dynamics of romantic relationships in New York City.

  3. You just took the first step towards a happier, healthier relationship!


If you’re looking for more information about nyc couples counseling, we write a lot of blog posts about couples counseling. Check out our blog below!