help someone with addiction

Am I Addicted To Vaping?

Am I Addicted To Vaping?

Vaping has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially amongst teens and young adults. It is often used to consume both tobacco and marijuana. Initially, vape, in addition to other e-cigarettes, was viewed as a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes; however, like anything, vaping has its own fair share of risks. 

A vape or electronic cigarette heats up to create a vapor as you inhale. 

Some popular vaping devices include:

  • Pens

  • E-cigarettes (Including JUUL)

  • Hookahs

Most types of e-cigarettes have the following components:

  • A cartridge, tank, or pod that holds the liquid (This can be refillable)

  • A heating element to assist in turning the liquid into breathable particles (Such as aerosol - also known as “vapor”)

  • A battery to heat the liquid 

  • A power button to control the device (Some vaping devices are activated by sensors when a user inhales)

  • A mouthpiece to breath in the aerosol 

Vaping has been marketed to teens and young adults by associating the devices with wellness; however, there are considerable health risks one signs up for when using a vaping device. From lung scarring and organ damage to developing an addiction, it is important to be aware of the side effects of vaping.

Do I Have A Social Media Addiction?

Do I Have A Social Media Addiction?

We’ve all heard it before- social media seriously impacts your mental health. But how does it do so? The constant news can be conflicting. Some reports claim that social media can be an amazing tool for networking and connection, bringing people together like never before. On the other hand, other sources tell us of the detrimental impact social media can have on our mental health, advocating for temporarily disabling your social media accounts and limiting screen time.

Human beings are social creatures. We need connection to other people to thrive and grow to our fullest potential. The strength of those relationships can have a big impact on your happiness and overall mental health.

5 Ways to Help Someone Battling Alcohol Addiction

5 Ways to Help Someone Battling Alcohol Addiction

Alcoholism is extremely common and can be detrimental to someone’s relationship with others. It can be very difficult to watch someone struggle with alcoholism and you may wonder how you can help your loved one. For those who know someone struggling with alcohol abuse, it can be very stressful deciding if or how to help them. You risk them getting very defensive or possibly even ending their relationship with you. There are many ways to create a comfortable environment to talk to your loved one about your concerns and there are many places that can offer professional help.

5 Ways to Help Someone Battling Addiction & Substance Abuse Issues

5 Ways to Help Someone Battling Addiction & Substance Abuse Issues

If you know someone who is struggling with addiction and substance abuse issues, you must understand that it may feel difficult for them to reach out for help. In the United States alone, millions of people struggle with addiction. It is important to reiterate that they are not alone in their struggles and have a strong team ready to support them every step throughout the recovery process.

Unfortunately, addiction not only impacts the specific individual, but it can impact family and friends as well.

Addiction can cause:

  • Financial issues

  • Legal obstacles

  • Changes in the addict’s behavior

  • The sadness of seeing a loved one struggle

Understanding addiction is not an easy undertaking. Treatment options can seem overwhelming or even confusing at times. It is completely understandable that you are worried about your loved ones and want to find effective ways to help them. You must always remember that recovery is not always the perfect solution.