Who is social media star Alix Earle?
Alix Earle began her rise to fame through TikTok in 2022. Since then, her TikTok following has grown from 300,000 to 3.5 million people in 2023. Alix grew up in New Jersey, and attended a Catholic high school. Her family owns a construction and paving company which Alix interns at while she attends the University of Miami, studying business and marketing. On point with Alix’s social media skills, she helps with her family company’s newsletter on their website and runs their social media accounts.
The Earle company prioritizes mental health within their company, showing support for veterans ever since the traumatic September 11th attacks. The family also operates a foundation that mainly focuses on helping people fighting opioid addiction.
While Alix is speaking on important topics now with her newfound social media fame, it does not mean that she did not have personal struggles in her past. Alix’s father and mother had a public divorce in 2008 but still co parent their shared kids together. Her father remarried and had three children with his new wife. Alix has become a role model and older sister for her younger half siblings. From what she shares online, Alix is a part of a healthy blended family that spends a lot of time together.
Anchor Therapy is a counseling center in Hoboken, NJ with mental health therapists specialized in helping children, teens, adults, and couples with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, trauma, life transitions, and more. Anchor Therapy is accepting new clients and is now providing in-person sessions and teletherapy sessions to residents of New Jersey, New York, Florida, North Carolina, and Utah.
Alix Earle After Social Media Fame
Outside of her family’s company, Alix has earned social media notoriety in her own right. She gained her popularity by being transparent with her viewers, and she makes her followers feel like she is on FaceTime with them as if talking to a best friend.
Alix shares her truth on the following topics:
Cosmetic surgeries
Relationship drama
She remains humble as she continues to publicly hang out with her college friends and, a few days later, attends events with celebrities, such as Selena Gomez and
Dixie D'amelio. Alix has gone through a major life transition from being a regular girl in a small town in New Jersey to being considered the new “it” girl of 2023. Even though Alix seems to have handled this smoothly, it is important for her to keep in touch with her mental state.
Some mechanisms to cope with Alix’s newfound fame could be:
Spending time with friends
Spending time with family
Keeping up with her school work
Scheduling “me” time
Alix Earle and Life Transitions
Alix has gone through numerous transitions in life. Some are more typical like the divorce of her parents, transitioning to living at college, and experiencing a breakup. On the other hand, she has also transitioned into the spotlight and has become a role model to other girls. From what Alix presents to her audience, she is constantly surrounding herself with good people. She has friends from school, roommates, and family members that are supporting her.
Whether these transitions were bad or good, coping with these transitions can be stressful. Instead of avoiding the stress these changes can cause, it is important to seek out young adult counseling to create healthy coping mechanisms.
Some healthy coping mechanisms for young adults are:
● Facing the problem
● Meditating (Read our blog “How Meditation Can Lead to Stress Reduction” for more information)
● Engaging in progressive muscle relaxation
● Talking to a trusted family member or friend
● Participating in a hobby or sport that you enjoy
Alix Earle and Anxiety Therapy
Being honest with her viewers, Alix recently shared her journey with anxiety. In a new TikTok, she tells her viewers an incident she had when passing out due to having low blood sugar. After she fainted, she experienced some occurrences where she felt like something was wrong with her and, thus, would experience panic attacks. She explained that her family took her to numerous doctors searching for a diagnosis, but no doctors had answers. Eventually, Alix started attending individual therapy sessions and was diagnosed with anxiety.
Alix was diagnosed when she was a freshman in high school. Flash forward to her last semester as a senior in college, she has been taking lexapro since her diagnosis. She explains how everyone’s journey with anxiety is unique but attending therapy made her feel so much better. She now encourages those struggling with their mental health to reach out for support from a professional mental health counselor.
It took Alix a little bit of time to accept her diagnosis since the public acceptance of mental health treatment was not as prevalent when she was a freshman in high school. Alix states she felt like her “anxiety diagnosis was equivalent to being diagnosed with an STD.” She kept her diagnosis a secret from her friends and refused to take medication for a long time.
It's no secret that the stigma surrounding mental health is still prevalent. Countless people do not feel comfortable to ask for help from others or be vulnerable. Alix sharing her struggle with anxiety helps shrink this stigma. She shows her viewers it is okay to seek help and that she, like numerous others, struggle with their mental health. In other words, her young viewers are learning that it is okay to not be okay.
Some symptoms of anxiety that Alix experienced were:
● A constant fear of fainting
● Not wanting to leave the house
● Not going to her dance classes (an activity she previously enjoyed)
● Not having sleepovers with her friends
● Loss of appetite
● Panic attacks
If you struggle with anxiety, check out our blog “15 Ways To Recognize Anxiety In Yourself And Others” for some support.
Alix says that one of the best ways she deals with anxiety is expressing her emotions with other people. She understands how telling someone how you feel can be the last thing you want to do while feeling anxious but, ultimately, telling a close friend can create a sense of comfort. Alix states, “Don't be afraid though, to go to a therapist, talk about it with people, everybody reacts differently to different things.”
Alix Earle and Break Up Counseling
Keeping true to her transparent lifestyle, Alix has been honest about her relationship problems. She was in a three month-long relationship with Yankees baseball star, Tyler Wade, which ended when they split in December 2022. All of Alix’s viewers wanted to know why they had split and who broke up with who. Alix took to her platform to explain why the couple had split. She explained Tyler did not seem supportive of the following and fame she was gaining. He also would never post Alix on his social media accounts which made her feel unwanted.
From what Alix shows on her social media, she seems to be doing fine after her breakup and tells her viewers it is important to express if you are unhappy in a relationship. Alix constantly surrounds herself with great friends and family that remind her that she is loved. Her relationship with Tyler was short lived, but that does not mean it did not have an affect on her life. When a relationship ends, there are various experiences and emotions one may feel, and that is okay. There is no one-size-fits-all reaction a person must have to a breakup.
Some mental health problems you may experience after a breakup include:
Psychological distress
To combat these feelings, it may be time to reach out to an outside source. Anchor Therapy offers breakup counseling that can help someone cope with the end of a relationship. A relationship counselor can help someone dive deep into their past relationship to help dissect the emotions one is feeling.
Some elements of breakup counseling include:
Fully processing the break up
Evaluating old habits one might have in a relationship
Define what one might seek in a healthy relationship
Check out our blog “Is Breakup Counseling Right for me” to learn if this could help you.
Alix Earle and Self-Image
Alix relates well to the “normal teenage girl.” She constantly shares her previous battle with acne. She shows images of her face when her acne was at its worst point. Alix was able to solve this problem by having her dermatologist prescribe a medicine for people struggling with acne. Alix shares how her bad skin made her feel ugly, and persuaded her to stay in some nights instead of spending time with her friends. Now that Alix has found what works for her, she has healed her acne and is able to reflect on her journey.
She looks back at herself and wishes she had not let her skin control her life since it was only temporary. She even wishes she embraced it more. Now, she tries to inspire her followers that struggle with acne to not let it control their lives. She wants her followers to understand that there are solutions and this problem is temporary. She also wants her viewers to see she is not “perfect” and endures the same things that other people go through as well. Her videos about her acne journey have inspired her followers going through similar struggles. It has provided them with a sense of hope, knowing that they are not alone.
Alix Earle and Body Image
It is no secret that Alix gained a portion of her popularity from her looks. From society's perspective, she has phenomenal skin, a conventionally-attractive body type, great makeup techniques, and a killer fashion sense. Alix radiates confidence, but she makes sure to be honest with her viewers by sharing her tips and tricks on how she achieved her appearance.
Alix is extremely vocal about the cosmetic surgery she has had and lets her viewers know she was not born this way. She has had her lips done with filler and a breast augmentation about a year ago. She warns her viewers that she made these changes for herself and does not want her followers to think she had these procedures to make herself more beautiful to other people. Alix funded her procedures herself, and believes anyone should make a change if they want to.
She doesn't want her followers to think bigger breasts make you more beautiful. Instead, it was just her personal choice for her body and she urges anyone that “if you want to do something for yourself, then do it and do not care what other people think.” More importantly, she recognizes some of her following is a younger crowd and she “does not wanna set an unrealistic standard.” This is such a pivotal statement for her to make considering how young viewers are impressionable, and how social media can often set unrealistic beauty standards.
Alix always stresses how fake social media can be and how people are able to make themselves look more attractive.
Trying to be more transparent, Alix shares:
Her makeup routine to cover her acne scars
How she styles her hair to cover the acne on the side of her face
Filters she uses to conceal her blemishes while making a TikTok
Lighting hacks
In a video she posted revealing some of these tricks, she does let her viewers know, “social media is fake so do not compare yourself to anyone or anything you see online.” This statement is important since people are constantly comparing themselves to social media stars which can negatively affect one’s self-esteem. Instead of comparing yourself to what you see online, you should reflect on your own self esteem and how it can be improved. More significantly, sometimes we all should consider taking a break from social media.
Social media can ignite:
Fear of missing out (FOMO)
To combat these feelings a social media detox could be effective. You could delete social media apps from your phone or simply sign out of them. To take a deeper look into why a social media detox could be helpful for you or your teen, take a look at our blog, “How to help your teen to detox from social media.”
Do you really understand your self esteem?
Self esteem refers to the complex mental state in which one views oneself. If you are constantly comparing yourself to people like Alix Earle, you may want to evaluate how you think about yourself.
There are a couple variables in your life you should be mindful of when it comes to self-esteem. Ask yourself the following questions:
Do you play a role in your community involvement?
How do you let social media impact you?
Are your personal relationships offering you support? What about a sense of intimacy and closeness? And/or a sense of satisfaction?
These three questions to ask yourself can help you evaluate factors in your life that can be positively or negatively affecting your self esteem. From there, you can change those habits and work towards bettering yourself. To further evaluate your self esteem, check out our blog “Do you Know your Self Esteem.”
Cosmetic surgeries and makeup are not ways one should try to build their self confidence. Sure, changing our outside appearance may help us feel more confident, but it is important to alter our mindset and daily habits to reach a higher level of confidence.
If you are unable to make decisions, you are afraid of changes, and you show close mindedness, these are just a couple of the signs people with low confidence may exhibit. These habits and choices are contradictory towards someone that is confident.
Confident people are:
Open minded,
Can think positively, and are
Willing to go through changes.
If you are finding yourself processing more of the habits of someone with low confidence, it could be time to research some ways to increase your confidence levels.
Here are five ways to build self confidence:
Take care of your body (Read our blog “5 Ways Exercise Benefits Your Mental Health” for more information)
Practice positive self help
Reflect on your accomplishments
Create a positive support group
Get a hobby
To take a deeper look into these steps and become more confident, take a look at our “5 Ways to Build Self Confidence” blog.
Alix is a great role model for young girls and adults. She tells the truth on her socials and is relatable to her audience. She continues to inspire others by expressing her struggles with her self-esteem and anxiety. She wants her followers to be the best versions of themself and express self-love, providing tips and tricks on how to do so. Next time you find yourself on social media, Alix’s platforms would be great to check out!
Sophia Richmond
is an undergraduate student at the University of Delaware studying Human Services with a concentration in Administration and Family Policy. Sophia wants to continue her education and attend graduate school, hoping to work with teens struggling with self esteem, mental health, and eating disorders. She also has an interest in social media and hopes to grow her resume in that area.
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