Watch Netflix's “Tidying Up” To Better Your Mental Health
How CBT Can Help You Achieve Your New Year's Resolution
As the new year is approaching, it is time to reflect on your past year and think of what you want to accomplish in this upcoming year. That is usually the reason that people create new year’s resolutions. The only problem with new year’s resolutions is that we usually pick a goal that incorporates changing a habit or forming a new habit. It is very hard to change a habit. That is why using cbt techniques can be helpful for you to accomplish your goal.
How To Feel Less Anxious About Change
How To Survive The Holidays With Divorced Parents
The holidays can be a difficult time for adult children to manage when they have divorced parents. When you are a young adult, you are independent enough to make your own decisions on where and when you want to celebrate with your family. Every family dynamic is different, but there are some common struggles that come up for anyone who has had the experience of jumping between family parties over the holidays.
How To Handle A Panic Attack
If you have ever experienced a panic attack it can feel very scary. the first panic attack that someone experiences is usually unexpected and feels like there is something seriously wrong. usually people end up in the hospital thinking they are experiencing a heart attack. if you do experience something like a panic attack for the first time then it is recommended to see a medical doctor and make sure you are healthy. After you get the all clear that you are physically healthy, then you know what you experienced was most likely a panic attack. This blog will help you with how to handle a panic attack in the future. if you are unsure of what exactly a panic attack is then check out this blog post here. Below i will list 5 ways in which you can get a handle on your panic attacks.
How To Talk To Your Child About Death
There comes a time when every parents needs to explain death to their child. School age children will start to learn about death and what happens to people when they die. The comprehension of the finality of death comes later. Hopefully this does not happen in your family, but there may come a time when you are faced with the hardship of telling your child that a close family member has died. Below are some ways to help you talk to your child about death.
What is CBT?
How To Describe Your Mental Health Condition To A Loved One
If you have ever experienced a mental health condition, have you ever felt like your loved ones were trying to give you advice on how to feel better? If it were that easy to just feel better by snapping your fingers then you probably would have done that by now. The best advise someone else could give you is to seek out a professional therapist if they notice that something is off and you are exhibiting symptoms of a mental health condition.
6 Ways To Help Your Anxious Teen
What Is Telehealth (Online Therapy) And Is It For Me?
15 Ways To Recognize Anxiety In Yourself and Others
Are you able to tell if you, or someone else you know, is experiencing anxiety? Here are some ways you can recognize anxiety in yourself and others. Children, adolescents, young adults, older adults (and basically anyone) experiences anxiety sometimes.
Anxiety becomes a problem when you find yourself, or someone else, experiencing anxious symptoms nearly every day and it is negatively impacting your life. If you notice this about yourself or someone else then it is probably time to seek out professional help from a therapist or counselor.
Below lists 15 different ways to recognize anxiety in yourself or others. Just for easier purposes, I will be addressing "You" throughout. Even though I am addressing you, I still want you to keep in mind if anyone else in your life is experiencing these things. It could be your child, a friend, family member, etc. You can then seek help for your child or send this article on to someone you care for and want to see get helped.