stepparenting family therapy new jersey

The Psychological Truth About Birth Order

The Psychological Truth About Birth Order

Birth order has long been a topic of fascination with many believing that where you fall in your family can shape who you become. From the responsible firstborn to the free-spirited youngest, the roles siblings play within their families may impact their personality, behavior, and even career choices. While the science behind birth order theory has evolved, the idea that your position in the family hierarchy influences your development remains compelling to many psychotherapists and parents alike!

Understanding the psychological truth about birth order can provide valuable insight into why we act the way we do, not just as children, but as adults navigating relationships, work, and personal growth. While no two families are alike and the theory is far from being set in stone, there are clear patterns that suggest birth order might shape our core traits. This blog will delve into the fascinating ways our birth position might shape our outlook on life and why those dynamics are still worth considering in modern times.

Stepparenting Family Therapy in New Jersey

Stepparenting Family Therapy in New Jersey

A stepfamily forms when one or two adults in a new romantic relationship have children from a previous relationship. On the outside, you may look like a normal, traditional family but, on the inside, there are complex dynamics which can make parenting look a little different than usual. 

If you are working to strengthen the bond of connection between a parent or step-parent, you have to understand the differences between stepfamilies versus first-time families. Your previous marriage or relationship with your child’s other parent may have ended in divorce or be the result of a major, traumatic life transition, like the death of a loved one. There also may be changes in your new relationship dynamic. For example, you may have previously been in a heterosexual relationship and, now, you may be in a homosexual relationship.