teen parenting help

The Psychological Truth About Birth Order

The Psychological Truth About Birth Order

Birth order has long been a topic of fascination with many believing that where you fall in your family can shape who you become. From the responsible firstborn to the free-spirited youngest, the roles siblings play within their families may impact their personality, behavior, and even career choices. While the science behind birth order theory has evolved, the idea that your position in the family hierarchy influences your development remains compelling to many psychotherapists and parents alike!

Understanding the psychological truth about birth order can provide valuable insight into why we act the way we do, not just as children, but as adults navigating relationships, work, and personal growth. While no two families are alike and the theory is far from being set in stone, there are clear patterns that suggest birth order might shape our core traits. This blog will delve into the fascinating ways our birth position might shape our outlook on life and why those dynamics are still worth considering in modern times.

Anger Management Counseling for Teens

Anger Management Counseling for Teens

Does your teen blow up at any mention of rules and structure? Do you feel like you have to walk on eggshells in your own home? If this resonates with you, you are not alone. The teenage years can be turbulent times. Your teen is going through a lot, trying to figure out their place in the world and what their next steps are as they transition into adulthood.

It is typical for teens to desire more freedom as they get older. You may find that your teen is pushing boundaries which is normal but, in some cases, it can spiral out of control. Anger itself is not a problem as anger is a normal emotion. Instead, your teen may not be able to manage their emotions, including anger, well which is an issue.

Anger can build up over time if someone is passive or does not establish clear boundaries. This may lead to your teen going from 0 to 100 and lashing out on you and other family members. How people react with anger can reveal a lot about their emotional well-being.

What We Learned About Family Dynamics From Netflix’s Ginny and Georgia

What We Learned About Family Dynamics From Netflix’s Ginny and Georgia

Every family has their own unique way of living and interacting with one another. Certain circumstances can switch up family dynamics, such as a family member going through a struggle or a change in financial status. The way families are created and composed varies and the types of families we see are always changing. 

No matter the type of family, communication is key to establishing a healthy relationship. Sometimes this communication can come naturally while other times families may need some help from an outside source and possibly choose to attend marriage and family therapy. One television show that exhibits family dynamics is the Netflix hit Ginny & Georgia.

Parenting A Child With ADHD

Parenting A Child With ADHD

Life with a child or teenager with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be troubling and overwhelming at times. It is not traditional child rearing. Typical rules and household routines can seem impracticable in your situation, depending on your child’s symptoms. Therefore, different approaches may have to be embraced. It can be hard to cope with some of your child’s behaviors, but there are always ways to make improvements and, ultimately, make life for your family easier.

As a parent, you can help your child overcome daily struggles by guiding them on how to channel their energy into positive forces. This step alone will bring greater serenity to your family. The earlier and more consistently you address your child’s issues by seeking the help of a professional, the better off your child will be. If you continue to let the problems linger, it can unfortunately cause bigger problems down the road which will negatively impact your child’s development and delay their mental and behavioral success.

How To Help Your Teen To Social Media Detox

How To Help Your Teen To Social Media Detox

Do you find that your teen is constantly on their phone? Do they have a hard time refraining from using social media? If so, your teenager may benefit from a social media detox.

Many people, particularly young people, enjoy staying connected on social media 24/7. Unfortunately, social media can ignite:

  • Fear of missing out (FOMO)

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Isolation

5 Ways to Support your LGBTQIA+ Teen

5 Ways to Support your LGBTQIA+ Teen

A member of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) community, particularly a teenager, is vulnerable to feeling unsafe and unwelcome in many environments. For your teenager to grow healthily, parental support is needed. In other words, the home and family unit should be a safe space for your LGBTQIA+ teen to be themselves and feel encouraged. Regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, all teenagers want to feel loved and accepted by their parents. Given the numerous societal challenges that an LGBTQIA+ teen must go through, parental support becomes even more important.

3 Ways to Help Your Child Express and Manage their Emotions

3 Ways to Help Your Child Express and Manage their Emotions

While parenting is one of the most rewarding gifts in the world, it can be undoubtedly difficult at times, particularly if you are dealing with a child who may act out. Meltdowns happen, especially with toddlers, but, for some children, emotional outbursts and impulsive reactions may persist. Crying is a normal response to overwhelming feelings, such as stress, irritability, and fright, regardless of age; however, some children may cry more often, get excessively passionate, and reach a level of annoyance quicker than other kids.

Emotional control is the capacity to govern emotions to:

  • Reach goals

  • Finish duties or chores

  • Manage behavior

Senioritis vs Depression: How To Decode Your Teen

Senioritis vs Depression: How To Decode Your Teen

The time of year is approaching when senior year teens in high school are anxiously waiting for their grade school years to end. Your teen may already know what college they are going to, they may be waiting to see what college(s) they get into, or they may be figuring out something different to do after graduation. The final countdown to the end of high school is quickly approaching which can be a very exciting time, but it can also lead to many emotions and sometimes issues. It could be hard to tell if your teen has a lack of motivation, is feeling depressed, and/or has senioritis. I am here to help talk you through some of the differences to look out for.