life transitions college age

How to Cope with Life Transitions in Your 20s

How to Cope with Life Transitions in Your 20s

While many of us know about the popular term “mid-life crisis”, the term “quarter-life crisis” may not come to mind, but it is just as real as a phenomenon. In fact, it may even be a rite of passage to feel lost in your 20s. It is a high-stress time in your life where more things are changing than staying the same. Whether you are graduating college and getting your first ‘real-world’ job or getting married to the love of your life, this decade can be defined by its many life transitions.

Many people would agree that your 20s is a time of self-exploration. You are figuring out your likes and dislikes, who you are, where your professional interests lie, what you are looking for in a romantic partner, and so much more! All of this inner discovery can easily leave you feeling lost and confused. You may find yourself comparing your life to that of your friends, feeling like you are behind in life in comparison to your peers. If you find yourself feeling like this, please take comfort in the fact that you are not alone.

College Student's Guide to Thriving Through Life Transitions with Insights from Barbie

College Student's Guide to Thriving Through Life Transitions with Insights from Barbie

In the new popular film Barbie, Barbie is malfunctioning, something she has never experienced before. She is unhappy with her new appearance and the raw emotions she is beginning to experience. Barbie tries to resist the changes she is going through, although these life alterations are unavoidable. Despite the fact she is comfortable with her old life and perfect routine, she begins to acknowledge that by embracing her changes, it is essential to alter standards and ideas that require improvement. 

For a college student, there are numerous changes that you will go through. You will be making new friends and losing others, challenged with managing your time efficiently, accepting responsibility, meeting higher expectations, and so much more. Although it may seem daunting now, these changes will challenge your way of thinking and allow you to expand into the person you want to be.