life transition infertility

The Psychological Truth About Birth Order

The Psychological Truth About Birth Order

Birth order has long been a topic of fascination with many believing that where you fall in your family can shape who you become. From the responsible firstborn to the free-spirited youngest, the roles siblings play within their families may impact their personality, behavior, and even career choices. While the science behind birth order theory has evolved, the idea that your position in the family hierarchy influences your development remains compelling to many psychotherapists and parents alike!

Understanding the psychological truth about birth order can provide valuable insight into why we act the way we do, not just as children, but as adults navigating relationships, work, and personal growth. While no two families are alike and the theory is far from being set in stone, there are clear patterns that suggest birth order might shape our core traits. This blog will delve into the fascinating ways our birth position might shape our outlook on life and why those dynamics are still worth considering in modern times.

Understanding Miscarriage Trauma

Understanding Miscarriage Trauma

Experiencing a miscarriage can be painful and it is often isolating. It can leave you and your partner to grapple with grief, confusion, and a profound sense of loss. While you may experience physical recovery in days or weeks following the miscarriage, the emotional and psychological effects of it can linger long after. The trauma of losing a pregnancy includes the sadness of an unrealized future along with feelings of guilt, shame, and uncertainty.

In this blog, we will dive into the complex emotions linked to miscarriage trauma, from immediate shock and grief to a long healing journey. We will get into the importance of acknowledging and processing miscarriage trauma while also explaining the significance of seeking professional support. A path toward emotional recovery is totally possible! Whether it is you or someone you know who has experienced a miscarriage, this blog will serve as a valuable tool filled with insights and coping skills to help you navigate this difficult experience.

Does ADHD Get Better With Age?

Does ADHD Get Better With Age?

When it comes to Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), many children, teens, and adults may wonder if ADHD challenges will subside with age. Typically, ADHD is associated with children and teens who struggle with focus, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. For more information, read our blog “Parenting A Child With ADHD.” But did you know that ADHD can impact adults as well? To learn more information on this topic, check out our blog “CBT for Adult ADHD.”

ADHD is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition which means that symptoms can persist into adulthood; however, ADHD symptoms may manifest differently over time. As you grow older, you will often develop healthy coping strategies and skills which can help you manage your ADHD symptoms more effectively. 

For example, as an adult with ADHD you may face less issues surrounding hyperactivity and more concern over focus and organization. Life transitions,career paths, and other environmental factors can influence how ADHD symptoms present over time. That is to say, while ADHD never fully goes away, it can look different and feel more manageable as you get older.

How Does Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Affect You Mentally?

How Does Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Affect You Mentally?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, simply referred to as PCOS, is a hormonal disorder that impacts women who are of reproductive age. While the cause of PCOS is not well known, we do know that it causes enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. Health experts believe a combination of genetic and environmental factors are at play with this disorder. 

The effects of PCOS are still being studied, but we know that those with the disorder can experience a wide range of mental health concerns, from anxiety and depression to eating disorders and low self-esteem. Continue reading this blog to figure out how PCOS may be impacting you mentally and emotionally, and what you can do to cope.

How Infertility Can Impact Your Mental Health

How Infertility Can Impact Your Mental Health

Infertility is a problem across many cultures, impacting millions of adults and couples and taking a toll on their mental health during the process. It is understandable how infertility may impact you or your partner. You may have had a dream of becoming a parent and creating your own family but, now, you feel like you are being robbed of that dream. As an individual trying for a child, it is common to experience increased levels of anxiety and emotional distress. If you are in a position where fertility treatments are not successful, it is common to experience grief and loss.

As you move forward on your journey to parenthood, taking care of your mental health is one of the most important things you can do during this life transition