older adult

How to Thrive with ADD As An Adult

How to Thrive with ADD As An Adult

Living with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) as an adult can be challenging. You may feel like you are constantly trying to juggle different responsibilities, deadlines, and relationships which can easily feel overwhelming and stressful. Specific techniques or traditional organizational tools may not work for you as they do not fit your unique way of thinking. With all of that being said, it is 100% possible to live a healthy and fulfilling life as an adult with ADD! By understanding your strengths, learning from your challenges, and creating systems that work for your brain and life, you can unlock your true potential and build a toolkit for success.

In this blog, we will explore practical tips and real-life approaches you can take to help manage the hurdles that come along with ADD. Whether it is sticking to a helpful routine or discovering creative ways to remain motivated, you will feel empowered to harness your energy and resilience. Whether you are newly diagnosed with ADD or have been living with the mental health condition for years, there is no better time to take control of your life and become the best version of yourself!

How to Cope With Empty Nest Syndrome

How to Cope With Empty Nest Syndrome

When you become a parent, it can quickly become the main component of your identity. You may lose yourself while taking care of your children while balancing work and other life responsibilities at the same time. Many parents often regard parenthood as one of the most challenging yet meaningful things they will ever do.

As the saying goes, the days are long but the years go by fast. One day you may be potty training and, then you blink, and you are getting ready to send your teen away to college. For at least 18 years, your life has revolved around your child. You may have been in charge of carpools, making sure that your child gets to all of their extracurricular activities in a timely manner, or having to guide them with homework or additional school projects. Then, when your teen leaves for college or to the workforce, your day-to-day life instantly changes.

If you are going through this, please know that it is normal to feel loss or uncertainty when your child leaves. This may be an only child or your youngest. Whatever the case, your feelings are valid. The main objective of parenting is to raise a healthy young adult who can live life independent of you. While your child is taking on a major life transition, moving out of their childhood home or going to college, you should take pride in the fact that you did the best you could and your child will be okay. Even if you acknowledge the hard work and effort you put into parenting, you may still be struggling. This may be what we commonly refer to as empty nest syndrome.

Benefits of Geriatric Counseling

Benefits of Geriatric Counseling

It is undeniable that receiving mental health counseling services from a licensed therapist can be beneficial for most people, including senior citizens. Unfortunately, mental health counseling can often be overlooked when people are in their golden years. There are many great achievements and milestones that happen in old age, but there can also be hardships.

Many older adults face major life challenges during their senior years. Maybe you or your loved one can no longer maintain their independence, such as grocery shopping, cleaning, or even living on their own. In more extreme cases, there may be involvement of a medical diagnosis, including a mental health condition, which presents symptoms and general life challenges.

If you or a loved one is experiencing some mental health difficulties, you should think about reaching out to a geriatric mental health counselor. Even though young adults continue to battle the mental health stigma, senior citizens are less likely to receive mental health treatment in comparison to younger adults. This can be due to the general fact that seniors are more guarded with their emotions and do not share any mental health symptoms they may be experiencing. If you are trying to get mental health support for your loved one, please understand that it may take time for your family member or friend to understand the mental health benefits of speaking to a senior therapist.