adult adhd

How to Thrive with ADD As An Adult

How to Thrive with ADD As An Adult

Living with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) as an adult can be challenging. You may feel like you are constantly trying to juggle different responsibilities, deadlines, and relationships which can easily feel overwhelming and stressful. Specific techniques or traditional organizational tools may not work for you as they do not fit your unique way of thinking. With all of that being said, it is 100% possible to live a healthy and fulfilling life as an adult with ADD! By understanding your strengths, learning from your challenges, and creating systems that work for your brain and life, you can unlock your true potential and build a toolkit for success.

In this blog, we will explore practical tips and real-life approaches you can take to help manage the hurdles that come along with ADD. Whether it is sticking to a helpful routine or discovering creative ways to remain motivated, you will feel empowered to harness your energy and resilience. Whether you are newly diagnosed with ADD or have been living with the mental health condition for years, there is no better time to take control of your life and become the best version of yourself!

Does ADHD Get Better With Age?

Does ADHD Get Better With Age?

When it comes to Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), many children, teens, and adults may wonder if ADHD challenges will subside with age. Typically, ADHD is associated with children and teens who struggle with focus, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. For more information, read our blog “Parenting A Child With ADHD.” But did you know that ADHD can impact adults as well? To learn more information on this topic, check out our blog “CBT for Adult ADHD.”

ADHD is a lifelong neurodevelopmental condition which means that symptoms can persist into adulthood; however, ADHD symptoms may manifest differently over time. As you grow older, you will often develop healthy coping strategies and skills which can help you manage your ADHD symptoms more effectively. 

For example, as an adult with ADHD you may face less issues surrounding hyperactivity and more concern over focus and organization. Life transitions,career paths, and other environmental factors can influence how ADHD symptoms present over time. That is to say, while ADHD never fully goes away, it can look different and feel more manageable as you get older.

How Does ADHD Affect Relationships?

How Does ADHD Affect Relationships?

Having a significant other with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, often simply referred to as ADHD, may make them an exciting and fun person to be with. After all, many people try to positively view ADHD as having a ‘superpower’ since people with ADHD often embrace multitasking, can think outside the box, and have unparalleled creativity. 

On the other hand, having a partner with ADHD can cause a few bumps in the road along the way, especially in a long-term relationship or marriage. Adult ADHD symptoms like distraction and procrastination may cause issues in your relationship and uncomfortable emotions to arise, such as anger, frustration, and sadness. However, there is a way to prevent misunderstandings from piling up. Keep reading this blog for ways to ensure that your relationship thrives!

Understanding and Managing Symptoms of ADHD in College Students

Understanding and Managing Symptoms of ADHD in College Students

What is ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or “ADHD,” is a common brain-based disorder that may negatively affect individuals' behavior and attention. Oftentimes, ADHD interferes with daily activities at home, school, work, and with your relationships. Those who have ADHD have higher levels of impulsivity, inattention, and possible hyperactivity compared to their peers. Psychologists and doctors gather findings about how many and what symptoms someone may have, how long they have been happening, and how severe they are. People who are diagnosed with ADHD have multiple symptoms, not just one. People with ADHD are typically creative, bright, and funny individuals who have had to navigate life in a different way, gaining a sense of self-respect along the way.

At Home With the Furys: A Look Into Mental Health

At Home With the Furys: A Look Into Mental Health

Netflix’s new smash hit reality television show, At Home With the Furys, features the life of famous British boxer, Tyson Fury, also known as the Gypsy King, and his family. Tyson and his wife, Paris Fury, share six children together, and reside in Morecambe, England. 

Tyson has a larger-than-life public persona and has a professional boxing record of 33-0, winning 24 of his matches by knockout (KO). Despite his enormous professional success, the views of At Home With the Furys gain deeper insight into his life, including the challenges he faces.

As soon as you start watching At Home With the Furys, you recognize that there is something inherently different about this show from other ones. It is not because it is a reality show or a show featuring an athlete who was rather private. It is different because the show offers an unfiltered look into Tyson’s mental health and the way that his mental health diagnoses impact his family and the people around him.

By showing that even one of the world’s greatest athletes has mental health issues, hopefully we can illuminate the current mental health crisis that is going on and show people that it is okay to not be okay.

CBT for Adult ADHD

CBT for Adult ADHD

When we think about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, also known as ADHD, we may have an image of a child or teen, but ADHD can impact adults as well. ADHD is a neurological disorder that is commonly signalized by patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity. When left untreated, ADHD can interfere with your work, home life, and relationships.

Historically, ADHD was looked at as a childhood condition; however, it is now known that this condition can persist into adulthood. Individuals with ADHD can receive a diagnosis in childhood or adulthood. With that being said, many adults with ADHD may never receive a diagnosis as medical professionals believe that ADHD is largely under diagnosed in adults.