nj therapist

How to Create A Daily Routine

How to Create A Daily Routine

Building a routine is one of the most effective ways to bring structure and consistency into your daily life. Whether you are looking to boost productivity, enhance mental health, or simply make your days more manageable, creating a solid routine can set you up for success. The key to establishing a routine is making it both realistic and adaptable, so it becomes a sustainable part of your daily life rather than something that feels like a chore to do.

Starting small and focusing on consistency is crucial when building a routine. It is not about overloading yourself with tasks from the get-go, but rather about finding a rhythm that works for you. You can gradually add habits to your routine and adjust as you go. Check out our blog “4 Ways to Build a Habit That Sticks.” This way, you can create a routine that not only supports your goals but also promotes a sense of balance and well-being. In this blog, we will explore the steps to help you build a routine that sticks and aligns with your personal lifestyle.

Why Do I Get Anxiety During Grocery Shopping?

Why Do I Get Anxiety During Grocery Shopping?

While it may sound niche, many people experience anxiety during trips to the grocery store. It is an increasingly common, yet overlooked issue. From making what feels like making endless decisions to navigating crowded supermarkets, grocery store anxiety has many causes. 

Ongoing grocery store anxiety can impede on your ability to enjoy grocery shopping or do it effectively. Your weekly trip to the supermarket for yourself and/or your family may become something you dread doing. Many people feel overwhelmed when it is time to do their restock, but with some calming techniques and the support of an anxiety therapist at Anchor Therapy, grocery shopping can become an enjoyable experience once again!

How to Stop Stressing Over A Breakup

How to Stop Stressing Over A Breakup

Breaking up with a partner, especially someone you have been in a long-term relationship with, can be hard. You may feel like the rug has been pulled out from underneath you. It feels like your world has now turned upside down. Anyone who has been through a breakup knows that there is no guide or rule book on how to process this loss.

When going through a breakup, there is no right or wrong way to feel. Maybe you are feeling anxious about the future. Or perhaps you feel sad and depressed thinking back on the sacred moment you shared with your ex-significant other. You may be grieving the loss of a life that could have been, including marriage and children. It can take time to heal after a romantic relationship ends, but there are some steps you can take to assist yourself along your journey.

How to Fix Attachment Issues As An Adult

How to Fix Attachment Issues As An Adult

Children and teens with attachment concerns may detach from their parents or caregivers, or become overly-friendly with random adults. As they age into adulthood, having attachment issues can present difficulties in forming meaningful relationships and negatively impact one’s social development as a whole.

An attachment disorder is a behavioral disorder that can affect your ability to form and maintain connections with other people, whether it is platonic or romantic. Attachment disorders are common in children and teens but, if it is not healed, it can persist into adulthood. 

4 Ways to Deal with Election Anxiety in 2024

4 Ways to Deal with Election Anxiety in 2024

Every four years, we get the opportunity to head to the polls and put action behind our voices in choosing the next President of the United States. If it feels like there is a lot of pressure on your shoulders (and your vote), you are not alone. You are making a major decision about the future of your country. What do you want your nation to look like? Do social issues trump financial concerns for you, or vice versa? What is your definition of an ‘ideal America’?

From ongoing political commentary to ruthless banter on social media, it can sometimes be hard to clarify your own values and goals amongst all the noise. If you are feeling anxious about the 2024 United States Presidential Election, you are not the only one. According to the American Psychiatric Association, 73% of United States adults are anxious about the election on top of additional life transitions.

The good news is that, even after the election comes and goes, the world will continue spinning. Your world will continue- you will go to school and/or work, take care of your children and family members, hang out with friends, and so on. But, in the meantime, it is important to reclaim your happiness and peace so your election anxiety does not get the best of you.

Why Do I Get Anxiety In The Summer?

Why Do I Get Anxiety In The Summer?

As many of us know, weather and the changing of seasons can certainly affect our mood. Dark skies and cold temperatures that plague the winter doom can trigger Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD, and depression. If you are struggling with this, check out our blog “What is Seasonal Affective Disorder and How Is It Treated?”. 

While many people, especially children and teens, look forward to the summer months, warm weather can negatively affect people too. Summer anxiety is a major issue that many people can deal with. By working with an anxiety therapist at Anchor Therapy, you can overcome your anxious thoughts and make the most out of your summer!

What To Do When Someone Is Using You As A Scapegoat

What To Do When Someone Is Using You As A Scapegoat

While everyone suffers and goes through uncomfortable situations from time-to-time, that does not mean that you should be left to suffer. In a scapegoating situation, you as the scapegoat are the one who assumes responsibility on behalf of someone else. This is not a voluntary position that you offer, instead it is pushed upon you. 

Scapegoating can occur in many different environments. Most commonly, people discuss scapegoating dynamics within families. For more information, read our blog “Understanding the Psychology of Scapegoating in Families.” In families, a scapegoat can be unfairly blamed for conflicts within the family.

With that being said, scapegoating can occur in other relationships as well. At work, an employee or group of workers may be blamed for company-wide or organizational problems. At school, a student may be targeted for classroom concerns. Within communities, certain people may be blamed for widespread social problems. Regardless of the setting, the act of scapegoating is always used to intentionally shift blame and avoid addressing the reality of a situation and the actual issues at-hand.

Is Perfectionism A Coping Skill?

Is Perfectionism A Coping Skill?

Perfectionism is often seen as a good thing. Since when has wanting things to be too perfect a problem? In reality, being a perfectionist can be a double-edged sword. Perhaps you are a self-described overachiever. You excel no matter where you are- at home with family and taking care of children, at work as a business owner, or in school getting a graduate degree for example. While this is all great, being a perfectionist can be a bit of a liability as well. It just depends where you are on the scale of perfectionism. 

As a perfectionist, you may judge yourself in an excessive and overly-critical way. You have high standards for yourself, and you refuse to settle for less. In this way, perfectionism can manifest by being self-critical. It can even extend to wanting to control the people around you or other situations you are in. To learn more, check out our popular blog “7 Ways to Let Go or Control Issues.”

Navigating the Challenges of Living with a Family Member with Mental Illness

Navigating the Challenges of Living with a Family Member with Mental Illness

Living with a family member who has a mental illness can be an emotional rollercoaster. It's a journey filled with challenges, uncertainties, and moments of both joy and despair, especially if you are a young adult and finding yourself in a caretaker role. You may be a caretaker to your partner, your parent, a child, your sibling or someone else close to you. In this blog, we'll explore various aspects of living with a loved one who has a mental illness, from understanding their condition to taking care of yourself which is most important. 

How to Be Okay Not Being in a Relationship

How to Be Okay Not Being in a Relationship

When you are by yourself or single, you may look around and feel like you see the whole world in love. Perhaps that couple sharing ice cream in the park catches your attention. Or you see a married couple holding hands. These experiences can trigger feelings of loneliness within you. 

As if this is not already emotionally exhausting for you, you may have family members or friends who are questioning your relationship status as well. While you may feel tempted to fight against them when comments about your love life are made, you know that will not solve anything or change your situation. You may even be someone who is content being alone! But, if you need a little help getting to the point of being okay with being by yourself, continue reading this blog.

7 Stress Management Tools From a Licensed Therapist

7 Stress Management Tools From a Licensed Therapist

Stress is an inevitable part of life, stemming from various sources such as work, relationships, PTSD and mental health issues and other personal challenges. While some stress can be beneficial, pushing us to perform better and adapt to new situations, chronic stress can have detrimental effects on our physical and mental health. Therefore, effective stress management tools are essential for maintaining overall well-being. This blog explores several proven techniques and strategies to manage stress effectively.

How to Support Your Child After They Come Out

How to Support Your Child After They Come Out

If your child or teen comes out to you, how you react deeply matters. Raising children does not come with a manual or how-to guide. It is okay to not know how to react in every and all situations- you have to do what feels right for you and your family

If your child turns to you to reveal that they are LGBTQIA+ and are ready to come out, it is a great sign of trust that they can confide in you for something like this. This is a great sign showcasing their comfort level with you! But even so, you may have some questions or you may be wondering exactly how you should react. There are steps you can take to ensure that you are building a safe, inclusive home for your LGBTQIA+ child or teen.

A College Student's Guide to Making the Most Out of Summer Break

A College Student's Guide to Making the Most Out of Summer Break

Summer break time! Finally the semester has come to a close and you can breathe after the immense amount of work put into the last two semesters. You made it, congratulations! College students can finally say goodbye to lectures and exams, and say hello to adventures with friends, vacations, and a temporary escape from academic responsibilities, woohoo!

For many, it's a time of freedom, exploration, and relaxation but oftentimes, navigating the shift to summer break and the significant change from your usual routine can feel daunting. This often leaves you uncertain about maximizing your time away from campus. Remember these feelings are normal and expected and there are ways to combat this. In this blog, we'll dive into various tips and strategies to navigate summer break successfully. I will help you aim for enjoyment, productivity, and self-improvement.

How to Heal from Religious Trauma Syndrome with Religious Trauma Therapy

How to Heal from Religious Trauma Syndrome with Religious Trauma Therapy

Religion is often viewed as a safe space for many people. You meet with a community of people who share the same values and beliefs as you on a regular basis to worship your shared higher power. Religion can be used as a source of guidance for yourself and the group. But, what happens when an individual experiences harm from a religion?

When a religious experience is stressful, degrading, damaging, or abusive, religious trauma can occur. A traumatic religious experience can harm your physical, mental, emotional, sexual, and/or spiritual health.

4 Ways To Build A Habit That Sticks

4 Ways To Build A Habit That Sticks

The process of building a habit, also referred to as habit formation, is a journey where our behaviors become automatic. Habits can be formed consciously or unconsciously. For example, think of when you first wake up in the morning and you go to reach for your phone- this is likely an unconscious habit. On the other hand, your habit of going for a walk every day is a conscious choice you make. 

Habits can be created or erased to suit your needs and, ultimately, to help you reach your goals. Habits play an extremely important role in your health and well-being. Staying consistent and committed will help you form new habits regardless of how long the journey itself might take you!

Navigating Train and Subway Anxiety: A Commuter’s Guide from Hoboken and Jersey City to New York City

Navigating Train and Subway Anxiety: A Commuter’s Guide from Hoboken and Jersey City to New York City

Fear of crime on public transportation is a big concern in a lot of cities throughout the United States and, as Hoboken and Jersey City commuters understand, New York City is no exception to this phenomenon. With constant news coverage highlighting the fear-inducing stories of physical violence occurring in the city, anxiety and stress levels naturally spike.

When you are on-edge, it may feel like every little thing is enhancing your anxiety from the screech of the train on the tracks to the sea of faces you see passing you by. There are many intricacies of train and subway anxiety that a Hoboken or Jersey City commuter can experience on their journey into New York City. Continue reading this blog to learn about the contributing factors of public transportation anxiety and how to apply practical strategies to navigate your anxiety concerns with strength!

The 4 Types of Alcohol Drinkers: What Type Are You?

The 4 Types of Alcohol Drinkers: What Type Are You?

Every person who drinks alcohol has a reason for doing so. Some people may be struggling with depression and look for a way to ease their sadness. Other people may drink alcohol to keep their social status. If you are struggling with alcohol use, it is helpful to get to the root cause. Why are you drinking? What is truly driving this behavior?

There are a variety of alcohol treatment methods at Anchor Therapy that can help you feel like your best self again.

Pawsitive Healing: A Therapist's Take on Pets and Mental Well-being

Pawsitive Healing: A Therapist's Take on Pets and Mental Well-being

In a fast-paced world filled with stressors and uncertainties, having a pet can be life changing in many ways. It can have a positive impact on our overall well-being, not only our mental health but our physical health as well. Beyond their cuteness and cuddles, pets have a remarkable ability to provide us with emotional support and companionship that we don’t always get from humans. As I am writing this and cuddling with my dog, I can say first hand that adopting a dog is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! Some of the ways pets can help us are by reducing stress, providing love and companionship, sharing emotional support, giving us a sense of purpose, and helping with disabilities. In this blog we will dive into the many ways pets can change our lives for the better!

Stepparenting Family Therapy in New Jersey

Stepparenting Family Therapy in New Jersey

A stepfamily forms when one or two adults in a new romantic relationship have children from a previous relationship. On the outside, you may look like a normal, traditional family but, on the inside, there are complex dynamics which can make parenting look a little different than usual. 

If you are working to strengthen the bond of connection between a parent or step-parent, you have to understand the differences between stepfamilies versus first-time families. Your previous marriage or relationship with your child’s other parent may have ended in divorce or be the result of a major, traumatic life transition, like the death of a loved one. There also may be changes in your new relationship dynamic. For example, you may have previously been in a heterosexual relationship and, now, you may be in a homosexual relationship.