New York Therapist

Why Am I Terrified of Rejection?

Why Am I Terrified of Rejection?

Feeling fearful of rejection is a very powerful, overwhelming feeling. What if I am not good enough and everyone can see it? What if people think less of me because of this rejection? What if this rejection confirms my worst fears about myself? What if rejection happens repeatedly and it becomes a pattern in my life? The ‘what ifs’ can start to feel endless.

Believe it or not, most people experience nervousness or anxiety when placing themselves in situations that may lead to rejection. However, for some people, the possibility of maybe being rejected throws them into a tailspin and becomes all-consuming. 

The fear of rejection can be rooted in many things, from social embarrassment to a history of repeated rejections. An untreated fear of rejection will only continuously limit your life and the chances you are able to take in it.

Why Do I Get Anxiety During Grocery Shopping?

Why Do I Get Anxiety During Grocery Shopping?

While it may sound niche, many people experience anxiety during trips to the grocery store. It is an increasingly common, yet overlooked issue. From making what feels like making endless decisions to navigating crowded supermarkets, grocery store anxiety has many causes. 

Ongoing grocery store anxiety can impede on your ability to enjoy grocery shopping or do it effectively. Your weekly trip to the supermarket for yourself and/or your family may become something you dread doing. Many people feel overwhelmed when it is time to do their restock, but with some calming techniques and the support of an anxiety therapist at Anchor Therapy, grocery shopping can become an enjoyable experience once again!

How to Stop Stressing Over A Breakup

How to Stop Stressing Over A Breakup

Breaking up with a partner, especially someone you have been in a long-term relationship with, can be hard. You may feel like the rug has been pulled out from underneath you. It feels like your world has now turned upside down. Anyone who has been through a breakup knows that there is no guide or rule book on how to process this loss.

When going through a breakup, there is no right or wrong way to feel. Maybe you are feeling anxious about the future. Or perhaps you feel sad and depressed thinking back on the sacred moment you shared with your ex-significant other. You may be grieving the loss of a life that could have been, including marriage and children. It can take time to heal after a romantic relationship ends, but there are some steps you can take to assist yourself along your journey.