family counseling

The Psychological Truth About Birth Order

The Psychological Truth About Birth Order

Birth order has long been a topic of fascination with many believing that where you fall in your family can shape who you become. From the responsible firstborn to the free-spirited youngest, the roles siblings play within their families may impact their personality, behavior, and even career choices. While the science behind birth order theory has evolved, the idea that your position in the family hierarchy influences your development remains compelling to many psychotherapists and parents alike!

Understanding the psychological truth about birth order can provide valuable insight into why we act the way we do, not just as children, but as adults navigating relationships, work, and personal growth. While no two families are alike and the theory is far from being set in stone, there are clear patterns that suggest birth order might shape our core traits. This blog will delve into the fascinating ways our birth position might shape our outlook on life and why those dynamics are still worth considering in modern times.

What is Perinatal Psychotherapy?

What is Perinatal Psychotherapy?

Perinatal psychotherapy is a form of mental health counseling designed to help women during the perinatal period, including pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum phase. This type of therapy focuses on addressing the various emotional and mental health challenges that can arise during this time, from anxiety and depression to the life transition of parenthood. The primary goal is to help women navigate the complex emotional and psychological changes that come along with being a parent. Not only are you managing the physical and emotional demands of pregnancy, but you are also planning for the major life change that comes along with the birth of a child.

Perinatal therapy is especially important because many women experience increased vulnerability during the perinatal period. Of course, pregnancy and childbirth comes along with physical demands, but there is also potential for emotional difficulties, such as postpartum depression or anxiety. A perinatal therapist at Anchor Therapy can give you a safe and supportive space to explore your emotions, process past trauma, and successfully manage the stress of transitioning from pregnancy to parenthood. Perinatal counseling can also benefit women experiencing fears about pregnancy or childbirth, those with mental health disorders, and/or parents struggling with the emotional demands of having a newborn.

Exploring Golden Child Syndrome

Exploring Golden Child Syndrome

A “golden child” the ‘special’ member of a given family unit. Oftentimes, the golden child is pushed to be nothing short of perfect. This typically happens because a parent wants their child to achieve in areas of life where they did not. As a golden child, you may resonate with being able to perform well under pressure, constantly seeking reassurance from your parents, and not being allowed to tell people your true emotions.

Your parents may view your successes as their own which perpetuates a cycle where they are constantly setting high expectations for you. This may cause you to feel excess stress, and you may even begin to feel confused about who you are. Constantly feeling pushes to keep going and achieving with no breaks or self-care can very easily lead to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem
If the cycle of being the golden child is not broken, the consequences can last a lifetime. You may feel like, no matter how hard you try, you are never good enough. You may have a hard time making decisions on your own without reassurance from other people. You may self-sabotage relationships in your life because you expect the other person to be perfect as well, pushing these unrealistic standards onto others.

How to Cope with Parents Aging

How to Cope with Parents Aging

As a child, you feel like your parents are indestructible. Your father is Superman and your mother is Superwoman. They can face anything, and they are your protectors. But, as you age into adolescence and, eventually, young adulthood, you are excited as life transitions are constantly occurring. With increased age, you have more freedoms- you can drive, stay out later than usual, you go off to college, and so on. However, as you are getting older, so are your parents. As a child or teen, you may not notice it right away.

Growing older is not always easy. Growing older represents a time of aging for everyone, including your parents. When your parents become senior citizens, they may also experience differing levels of their independence. Perhaps you have to step in and parent your parents. Your parents may become stubborn or argumentative. It is a stressful time for everyone involved. Through counseling for aging parents, you can learn how to approach the situation with sensitivity and empathy. 

Navigating the Challenges of Living with a Family Member with Mental Illness

Navigating the Challenges of Living with a Family Member with Mental Illness

Living with a family member who has a mental illness can be an emotional rollercoaster. It's a journey filled with challenges, uncertainties, and moments of both joy and despair, especially if you are a young adult and finding yourself in a caretaker role. You may be a caretaker to your partner, your parent, a child, your sibling or someone else close to you. In this blog, we'll explore various aspects of living with a loved one who has a mental illness, from understanding their condition to taking care of yourself which is most important. 

Understanding the Psychology of Scapegoating in Families

Understanding the Psychology of Scapegoating in Families

Scapegoating means that you are blaming a person or group for something bad that has happened or for something that someone else has done. Scapegoating typically occurs to protect the image of a person or family. In a family dynamic, a person may be used as the scapegoat to protect a more favored member in the family. While it is common for one person to be used as the scapegoat, it can happen to multiple people.

Scapegoating can occur in different environments, such as work, but it is most prominent in unhealthy family dynamics. In this case, scapegoating then tends to start in childhood when a child is blamed for all of a family’s dysfunction and problems. A scapegoat bears the burden of taking on the mistakes of a family or team. 

When children are assigned this role at a young age, it can wreak havoc on their mental health. A scapegoated child may not believe that they are inherently good, worthy, or lovable. Instead, they hear insults regularly, experience constant bullying, and even abuse and neglect. This leads to a low self-esteem, decreased self-confidence, and negative self-talk. 

4 Tips On How To Build Close Relationships Within The Immediate Family

4 Tips On How To Build Close Relationships Within The Immediate Family

Every family has a different structure, background, culture, and set of values. For some, family relationships come easy. However, the “perfect” family doesn’t really exist. There’s so many different variations and circumstances for families that it can be stressful to adjust to the particular environment. 

The “standard” family structure, the American Dream, consists of two parents, one or two kids, a nice house, and financial stability. Yet, it’s important to be aware that The American Dream isn’t exactly realistic. You can still be satisfied with your family and life when it doesn’t necessarily adhere to the “perfect” standard.

At Home With the Furys: A Look Into Mental Health

At Home With the Furys: A Look Into Mental Health

Netflix’s new smash hit reality television show, At Home With the Furys, features the life of famous British boxer, Tyson Fury, also known as the Gypsy King, and his family. Tyson and his wife, Paris Fury, share six children together, and reside in Morecambe, England. 

Tyson has a larger-than-life public persona and has a professional boxing record of 33-0, winning 24 of his matches by knockout (KO). Despite his enormous professional success, the views of At Home With the Furys gain deeper insight into his life, including the challenges he faces.

As soon as you start watching At Home With the Furys, you recognize that there is something inherently different about this show from other ones. It is not because it is a reality show or a show featuring an athlete who was rather private. It is different because the show offers an unfiltered look into Tyson’s mental health and the way that his mental health diagnoses impact his family and the people around him.

By showing that even one of the world’s greatest athletes has mental health issues, hopefully we can illuminate the current mental health crisis that is going on and show people that it is okay to not be okay.

What Is Considered Intergenerational Trauma?

What Is Considered Intergenerational Trauma?

While you may not have heard of the term “intergenerational trauma”, you may have heard the coined phrase “generational curse.” Intergenerational trauma, or a generational curse in simpler terms, refers to trauma that is passed from a trauma survivor onto the family’s descendants. If you are experiencing intergenerational trauma, you may be living through symptoms, reactions, patterns, and the emotional and physical effects of a loved one’s trauma, such as a parent or grandparent.

This concept of trauma throughout multiple lifespans was developed to explain years of generational challenges within a given family unit. Essentially, it is the transmission of trauma, being sent down to younger generations. If you and your family are struggling with generational trauma, continue to read this blog for much-needed support and guidance.

Navigating the Mental Health Diagnosis of A Family Member

Navigating the Mental Health Diagnosis of A Family Member

In recent years, there has been a concerning rise in the prevalence of mental health issues worldwide. This increase can be attributed to various factors, including societal changes, economic pressures, and the impact of technological advancements. The fast-paced nature of modern life, coupled with increasing work demands and social expectations, has created a breeding ground for stress, anxiety, and depression. For more on this topic check out our blog “3 Ways to Achieve Work Life Balance”. 

Moreover, the major influence of social media and the constant exposure to unrealistic standards of beauty, success, and happiness have contributed to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem among individuals of all ages. It is vital for our society to recognize the significance of mental health and prioritize efforts to destigmatize seeking help, enhance access to mental health services, and promote mental and physical well-being. 

How To Survive Your In-Laws: A Guide To Family Therapy

How To Survive Your In-Laws: A Guide To Family Therapy

If you find it difficult to deal with your in-laws, you are not alone. On some level, every couple struggles with their in-laws from time to time. Just because you may be dealing with some issues with your in-laws, it does not mean that you have an unhealthy relationship. It all comes down to how you tackle the problem together as a team. If you believe you may be in an unhealthy partnership, check out our blog “How To Tell If You’re In A Toxic Relationship.” 

What you will learn quickly through your exploration together as a couple in mental health counseling sessions is that seeing eye-to-eye with your partner about your in-laws matters more than seeing eye-to-eye with your in-laws. 

Learning how to build a relationship with your in-laws is challenging for many couples. You can choose to view it as a chore that you want to quickly and insufficiently fix or as a ‘project’ to tackle together as a couple. This ‘project’ includes communication, trust, and effort.

What We Learned About Family Dynamics From Netflix’s Ginny and Georgia

What We Learned About Family Dynamics From Netflix’s Ginny and Georgia

Every family has their own unique way of living and interacting with one another. Certain circumstances can switch up family dynamics, such as a family member going through a struggle or a change in financial status. The way families are created and composed varies and the types of families we see are always changing. 

No matter the type of family, communication is key to establishing a healthy relationship. Sometimes this communication can come naturally while other times families may need some help from an outside source and possibly choose to attend marriage and family therapy. One television show that exhibits family dynamics is the Netflix hit Ginny & Georgia.

What You Didn’t Know About Blending Families

What You Didn’t Know About Blending Families

Blended families can face many bumps in the road. Perhaps your family unit is dealing with a particularly challenging sibling rivalry or you are working to build a strong relationship with your step-children. Luckily, when you plan ahead and get the proper support you and your family needs, you can make sure that the transition goes more smoothly. Helpful family management strategies, including setting house rules and opening all lines of communication, are some ways to construct a warm and welcoming family. 

In some cases, it may feel like you are doing everything right but you and your family are still struggling. Please know that this is completely okay. Building your family is a major life transition and struggles are bound to arrive, but you deal with them can determine your success. You may feel like family counseling is the best next step for your family. If you need additional help navigating this major change in your life, check out our blog: “The Best Ways To Cope With Life Transitions.”

Benefits of Adoption Therapy For Your Family

Benefits of Adoption Therapy For Your Family

Making the monumental decision to adopt a child is extremely special and rewarding; however, it can also be a difficult process. Creating a family through adoption is complex. Many times, people may try to overlook or ignore these complexities. Instead, they should be appreciated and given the time and care that they require for resolution!

As a parent going through the adoption process, it is important to be intentional regarding the support you seek and the education you obtain. No matter how much love you have to offer, children can easily feel emotionally isolated and/or silenced during the adoption process. Luckily, adoption focused therapy can be a positive step for parents or caregivers and children alike.
Whether you are in the early stages of adoption or deep in the trenches of post-adoption life, adoption counseling may be the right move for your family. Working hand-in-hand with an adoption therapist can help support each family member with their own mental health struggles while strengthening the family unit as a whole.

How to Decide if Family Counseling is the Right Fit for You

How to Decide if Family Counseling is the Right Fit for You

Deciding to attend therapy is a major decision, and family counseling is no exception. When your family is happy and healthy, it may seem like everything is perfect. Many people experience their happiest moments within a loving, stable, and healthy family unit.

Family is one of the most important connections that we can have with other people. Regardless, many families have their troubles, stresses, and conflicts. If you want to have a healthy and successful family unit, you need to comprehend and pinpoint the needs of each family member. The needs of every family member can be balanced with the welfare of the family as a whole. Family therapy is a special form of counseling that can assist in answering all of those personal and familial needs.